Mon Jan 27, 2025

HoloCIM: A Virtualized Holographic Cloud Ising Machine

HoloCIM (Holographic Cloud Ising Machine) is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, through the Research and Innovation Foundation of the Republic of Cyprus (Project: CODEVELOP-ICT-HEALTH/0322/0047). The 24-month HoloCIM project, spanning the period February 2023 –January 2025, proposes a holography based photonic Ising Machine that utilizes and enhances newly established holographic and nonlinear photonics principles for the efficient solution of combinatorial optimization problems(COPs). The latter cannot be efficiently solved with modern digital computer architectures. HoloCIM aims to create an online user interface to be scientifically and commercially used from interested parties such as research institutions, academia, and industry.

HoloCIM's core objectives include the: (i) implementation of mean field Ising model with maximum spin nodes, (ii) study of the role of the spontaneous noise on system performance, (iii) demonstration of higher order spin interactions to increase complexity, (iv) increase the Ising machine iteration speed, (v) study and quantify effects of ambient temperature on Ising system performance 
and stability, and (vi) offer an Ising annealing machine as a Cloud service

The project oficial launch was on 1st of January 2023 and it has a duration of 24 months.

For more information, visit the website of the project.

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